
Username Edit Count Program
李念潔 55 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Ws8613245 30 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
WuLingZhen 28 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
HUANG-Wan-Jou 28 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Wikipeeeder 24 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
A-XinKe 23 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Tracy666 21 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Emily627 18 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Chang tt 17 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Jonathantiong 16 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Inacty032 16 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Jonathantiong 16 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
許寶珠 15 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Hon0319 15 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
陳品樺 13 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Guo802 11 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Jenny910531 10 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Chiou YuChun 10 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Ashley0226 10 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
鄭佩琪 10 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Chengyuki 9 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Daby1205 9 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
阮阮 9 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
陳昱峰 9 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
7chiachi 9 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
賴泯旭 8 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
DaJiaHow07 8 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
王景聰 8 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
ChengYZ 7 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
RUBYCHENVIN 7 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Kkeiejekkekdnejej 7 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
空白無名 6 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Lin9126 6 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
佳恩 吳 6 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Mnevony 6 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Wuaiw 6 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
FreddoXD 6 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Joanlojiakee 5 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
S7816856 5 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C109129235 5 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
羅苙軒 5 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
LinYuXian 5 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
李宛諭 4 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Lunlun2021 4 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Ting106117 4 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C109112162 4 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Amy0208 3 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Renehu2001 3 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
139Yu 3 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Wewe1008 2 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Alikaaazzz 2 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
陳奕妤 2 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C108135135 chen 2 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
張232 2 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
蔡家芸 2 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Caidingchen 2 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
C108104235 2 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
李宸毅 2 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Emily1020 1 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C108118109 1 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Kriswu0121 1 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
XRULVKS 1 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Tyh. .02 1 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
羅詠喬 1 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Yuwei224 1 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
林芊妤 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
曾于芳 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
陳侑辰 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Maggie73088 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Yw0613 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
羅予臻 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Cheng6504158943 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Lin325 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
川頁九日 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Xinwei0726 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
行銷系陳品均 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
LinFishQuiet 0 4572 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Chung Ya Han 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
賴瑾柔 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Win030 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
臭臉 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C109106116 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
C109106150 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Karta1059390 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Karta257778 0 4571 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Yui139 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
龔意珺 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
陳君慧 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
小餡餅 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Emma960010 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Leo891103 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Yuhsin1107 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Theannnn 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
B110241115 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Prettysmallbaby 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Jieyuyang 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Sawachou 0 4768 - The History and Culture of Southern Taiwan
Andy1684 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
邱健誠 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
黃彥璿 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Joy920329 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Quunyee 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture
Kty0305 0 4384 - The Origin of Local Culture