100 Women Articles

Chars Added

The sum of characters added to articles by enrolled editors between the start and end dates

References Added

This is the number of reference tags and shortened footnote templates added to articles, and can include multiple references to the same source. The data comes from the reference-counter Toolforge API.


The estimated views to each article since it was first edited, through the most recent stats update. You can use pageviews.toolforge.org to see the exact numbers.

Wiki Programs
PINK de Thierry (deleted) 52 0 149 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Ammondo KNAW award (deleted) 40 0 6 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Bloeme Evers (deleted) 38 0 29 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Martijn Terporten (deleted) 32 0 220 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Landbouw-Hogeschool te Wageningen, (deleted) 26 0 6 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Quad Play (deleted) 24 0 24 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17
Dakota Access Pipeline protesten (deleted) 0 0 0 nl.wikipedia WMNL/100wikiwomen at nlwiki 2016-17